Grading Assignments with SpeedGrader

What is Grading Assignments?

Grading Assignments is the task you know all too well as an instructor (sigh). Your students turn in their work -- you review it, provide feedback, assign a grade -- then you return the work to your students. All grading tasks that you do in your on-ground course can be done in your online classroom with the help of your friendly tools, Gradebook and SpeedGrader. You might be surprised and like these tools so much that you continue to use them when you're back in your on-ground class!

View the Video View this Overview of Speedgrader video from Canvas

Why Do This?

Grading Assignments using Gradebook and Speedgrader allows you to effectively and efficiently grade your students' work. You can enter grades, provide written and audio comments, and markup documents similar to you would by hand, or in Word. Your students can see their grades and review your feedback, so they can keep track of how they are doing.

Grading Assignments using Gradebook gives you another nifty grade management feature that allows you to hide grades while grading (used to be called Muting). Hiding grades allows you to hold off returning your students' work until you have graded the entire class (used to be called Unmuting). Instead of grades being returned one by one, you can return or post them to all students at once. This feature gives you the luxury of not having to grade it in one sitting. At the same time, it will decrease student stress and confusion when some students have grades, while others don't (Yes, students will know this!)


Grade an Assignment by selecting it from the Modules. Use Gradebook and Speedgrader to enter the grades and provide feedback.

Next, do a similar thing with Grading Discussions.